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Movie Screening to Strengthen Team Bonds at Turkish Technology


Turkish Technology Software Test Management Directorate organizes various events to strengthen teamwork and team spirit. With these events, we foster closer relationships between our team members and make it easier for them to share ideas with each other and work better as a team. The last event organized for this purpose was a "movie screening".The team watched the 1957 movie "12 Angry Men" directed by Sidney Lumet. The movie is about the experiences of a group of jurors as they decide on a case involving the death of a child. The film helped to think about teamwork, leadership skills, and communication. However, we wanted to make our event more than just a simple movie-watching day. Therefore, we watched the two halves of the movie "12 Angry Men" over the span of two days. In the movie, 12 jurors are to make a decision about the accused in a murder. At first, 11 jurors find the accused guilty, while one juror argues that all the evidence should be reviewed and discussed in detail. This juror persuades the other jurors to re-examine the evidence and witness testimony. After a re-examination of all the evidence, no conclusive evidence of murder is found, and all 12 jurors finally decide that the defendant is not guilty.

After the movie's first half hour, a game was played to see in what order these jurors were convinced. First, all participants were asked to list the jurors in the order of persuasion; then, randomly-formed teams were asked to make the same list. Although some individual guesses were nearly perfect, all teams could not achieve the same level of success. But although one of the teams did not do very well individually, the team that made the best prediction won the event prize.

This situation serves as an important lesson about teamwork and the decision-making process. A team can be made up of individuals with different perspectives and ideas. The views and opinions of each individual are important for the success of the team. It is important that team members respect each other, keep an open mind and listen to each other, and consider the views of others. All these components help to make a joint decision.

It was an excellent experience for our team to work together to try and make the most correct prediction. Teamwork is crucial for success in the workplace, and this event helped team members communicate with each other and learn how to work as a team. Team members communicating well with each other, developing their ability to work together, and building a sense of trust ensure that teamwork is successful. Therefore, Turkish Airlines organizes various events to encourage teamwork. These events are organized not only for teamwork but also to help our employees get rid of work-caused stress, build motivation, and communicate better with each other. In addition, improving the collaborative environment in the workplace helps to increase work efficiency and employee satisfaction.


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